


Production sites, branches, subsidiaries - here you find all VDM Metals locations at a glance.


VDM Metals Holding GmbH (HQ/domicile)
VDM Metals GmbH (HQ/domicile)
VDM Metals International GmbH (HQ/domicile)

Plettenberger Str. 2
58791 Werdohl, Deutschland
Tel +49 2392 55 0 

VDM Metals GmbH
Representative Office Russian Federation
Ul. Novodmitrovskaya 5A Stroenie 1,
Office 605a
127015 Moskau
Tel +79154935778

VDM Metals Austria GmbH
Linsbergerstr. 1/1/3
2822 Bad Erlach, Österreich
Tel + 43 (0) 720 980 919 10
Fax + 43 (0) 720 980 919 20

VDM Metals Benelux B.V.
Hoedemakersstraat 9
3334 KK Zwijndrecht, Niederlande
Tel +31 (0)6 53240831

VDM Metals France S.A.S.
Douglas 2 / Bâtiment A
97 allée Alexandre Borodine
F-69800 Saint-Priest
Tel : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)

VDM Metals Italia S.r.l.
Via Milanese 20
20099 Sesto San Giovanni (Mi), Italien
Tel +39 02 2410461
Fax +39 02 24104629

VDM Metals U.K. Ltd.
St Andrews House, Upper Ham Road
Richmond, Surrey, TW10 5LA, Vereinigtes Königreich
Tel +44 20 8940 0384

VDM Metals GmbH
VDM Metals International GmbH

Kleffstraße 23
58762 Altena, Deutschland
Tel +49 2392 55 0 

VDM Metals GmbH
Obere Kaiserstraße
57078 Siegen, Deutschland
Tel +49 2392 55 0 

VDM Metals GmbH
Formerstraße 17
59425 Unna, Deutschland
Tel +49 2392 55 0 

VDM Metals International GmbH
Zeilweg 42
60439 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Tel +49 69 58020 

North and Middle America

VDM Metals Canada Ltd.
8 Director Court, Unit 101
Vaughan, ON
Canada, L4L 3Z5
Tel +1 416 716 4774

VDM Metals de México S.A. de C.V.
Bulevard Manuel Avila
Camacho # 80 PH-A
Col. Lomas de Sotelo - El Parque
Naucalpan, Edo.de México
53390 México
Tel +52 55 55571471

306 Columbia Turnpike
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932, United States
Tel +1 973 610 7615

14255 Mt Bismark Street
Reno, Nevada 89506, United States
Tel +1 973 610 7615

Asia and Australia

VDM Metals Australia Pty. Ltd.
724 Springvale Road
Mulgrave, Victoria 3170, Australien
Tel +61 (0) 3 8542 0900

VDM Metals Japan K.K.
Daido Seimei Kasumigaseki Bldg. 7th Floor,
1-4-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
100-0013 Tokyo, Japan
Tel +81 (0) 3 6205-4341
Fax +81 (0) 3 6205-4342

VDM Metals Korea Co. Ltd.
Eunhasu Building 4F,
168, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu,
06296 Seoul, South Korea
Tel +82-2-6248-1583
Fax +82-2-6243-1583

VDM High Performance Metals Trading Co., Ltd. (Shanghai)
Room 3306B, 33F Chong Hing Finance Center
No. 288 West Nanjing Road, Huangpu District
Shanghai 200003, P. R. China
Tel: +86 21 6375 0966

VDM High Performance Metals (Nantong) Co., Ltd.
J5, No. 1, Qingfeng Road, Chongchuan District, Jiangsu Province,
Shanghai 226001, P.R.China
Tel.: +8613701788685

VDM High Performance Metals (Nantong) Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Room 111, No. 5 Jiantashan Rd. Huangpu District,
Guangzhou 510663, P.R. China
Tel.: +8613503060333 


VDM Metals
VDM Metals Service Line vCard
Route VDM Metals International GmbH Plettenberger Str. 2 58791 Werdohl